Bit Lab Wide.png

Hi, welcome to Bit Lab!

This is a vault of information on anything game dev. I'm hoping to make this the birth place of a community focused on bringing together the vast amounts of game development resources onto a single, easy to navigate, easy to understand, website.

There is lots of gold out there for those that know where to look, but it is often a long and tedious journey to find all of those pockets of gold scattered all over the internet. From GDC, Brackeys, Code Monkey, Unreal Sensei and many, many more.


Where to start?

If you are unsure, check out the Nooblets Guide for an idea of what to do. It contains links to many of the most useful info for budding new developers. Otherwise, just poking around in the sidebar or the graph view is also a great place to start.


Looking for something specific?

Use the search function in the sidebar/header (shortcut is CTRL + K) and type in what you are looking for, if you are luck it might already be inside the Bit Lab. If what you are looking for is a bit more... wishy washy, a pixel art technique you just can't remember the name of, or Lico? Lisov? Li... something substitution principle. You get the picture, try using the tags to find what you are looking for.


Looking for updates on my games?

Check out the devlog section for any updates on the games I'm currently working on. Many of them have in-depth technical explanations of how I went about building a particular feature as well as resources to build something similar.

I'm currently working on #void-serpent and #shards-of-bone so click on the tag to find info related to these games.

Want to help?

The easiest way to help is to buy something, donate or get a membership to support Bit Lab:

I (and anyone willing to join me on my torturous quest) will try to cover a range of topics in game development and adjacent fields. I would be more than open to contributions from individuals from any part of the game dev community, be it Gameplay Testers, QA folks, YouTube Dev Loggers, AAA Veterans or even a hobbyist who just likes to join game jams. Everyone is welcome!

Any contribution no matter how small, will be recorder in the contributors list.

If you are interested in helping out directly, contact me.

I am planning to setup a discord around the Bit Lab if there are more users and contributors, so you might see a discord link here soon.

Spot a mistake?

Although I and any contributors do our best to keep the information as high quality as possible, there will inevitably be mistakes in the Bit Lab. If that is the case please contact me and I'll try to quickly resolve and correct any issues that arise from this.